World Vision TV

Browse the collection to see some of our best work


The joy of water

See the moment children receive clean water in their community: 30 secs

50 years towards clean water

What difference does clean water make? Find out here: 1.5 mins
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Jorge explains child sponsorship

Jorge, from Peru, shows how child sponsorship has changed his life: 1.5 mins

Natural Regeneration: Everything is connected

Learn how the simple act of pruning trees can change everything for a community: 3 mins
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The impact of war on children

Learn about the effect Syria’s war has had on children: 2 mins

Learn more

How child sponsorship works

Educate a girl and change her life

How do earthquakes happen?

First 1000 days

Other stories

Child sponsorship: Research on its effectiveness

An in-depth look at how our child sponsorship model creates real and lasting change: 10 mins

Chickens give Chamila and Piyumi a brighter future

See how the gift of a chicken can provide food and income: 2.5 mins

Dukale's Dream, featuring Hugh Jackman

Hugh Jackman's passionate about helping farmers get a better deal for their coffee. See why: 2.5 mins

John Dickson - extended interview

Christian thinker John Dickson explains how Christian faith inspires us to help the poor: 9.5 mins

50 years towards better health

Find out how your support for vital health projects is changing lives: 1.3 mins
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Christmas in Uganda

Celebrate Christmas Ugandan style: 1.5 mins