This is up from 79 percent in 2008.
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This is down from 25 percent in 2010.
This is up from 801 families in 2009.
- Lilliam, 48, mother of sponsored child
"She has seen many children who weren’t in school start attending classes and embrace the chance to learn. Efforts to improve teachers’ skills and raise awareness among parents about the importance of education have made a big difference.
“World Vision supports us so that we can continue studying and reach our dreams,” explained Sindy.
Another important change, she says, has been the formation of youth networks where teenagers like her can take part in vocational training courses and learn important life skills such as effective communication and critical thinking.
“I am also part of the volunteer network of my community, committed to the wellbeing of children,” she added.
"World Vision has given us a great treasure: communication between parents and children."
- Sindy, aged 19, community volunteer