This was up from 15 percent in 2008.
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This is up from 64 percent in 2008.
They have set up greenhouses, irrigation systems and crop storage facilities.
- Benedicto, aged 50, community leader
Porfirio, aged 15, loves going to school. His father Mario says this is in stark contrast to his older brothers, who went to school before World Vision began working with the K’ana community.
Generous sponsors like you have helped to create an interactive library space in Porfirio’s school and implement other programs designed to make learning fun.
Porfirio is currently completing grade 10 and he participates in a learning program designed to help students develop entrepreneurial skills they can use to establish a small business or secure a good job when they finish school.
His school principal says he used to be a very shy, quiet boy. But with the support of his teachers and with a range of learning opportunities, Porfirio is now an active and vocal class member.
Porfirio fondly remembers learning and playing with friends in his school’s library when he was younger. “Now that I am older,” he explains “we learn about supply and demand, market management … and all of that fascinates me. My dad always tells me I was born with a lot of luck.”
Porfirio wants to be a lawyer when he finishes school. After learning about marketing and business he can also help his parents earn higher profits from selling their farm produce.
"I’m sure if he keeps being like that, he will be able to do everything he sets his mind on."
- Porfirio's school principal