Thanks to your support, your sponsored child and other children in the Dar Urban community have improved access to education, healthcare and clean water and their parents have more opportunities to earn income.
Before your help, many children were missing out on school because their parents could not afford to send them. Now most parents have enough income to cover their children's education costs and schools are much better equipped to support their learning.
In addition, desks and over 3,000 textbooks were distributed to improve school facilities and enable more children to learn.
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This was up from 63.6 percent in 2007.
This was up from 53.7 percent in 2014.
- Mwajuma, savings group member
Things changed when she joined a savings group supported by generous child sponsors like you. As a group member, she was able to save and borrow money and learn skills to help her generate her own income.
“By joining the savings group, I was able to learn how to make soap, batik and processing food,” she explained. “World Vision also trained us how to find a market for our products.”
Mwashabani and fellow group members set up a profitable batik business, selling their fabrics in local and regional markets. In addition, she started making batik at home to sell to neighbours and now has her own production and sales team.
"I thank World Vision as now I am able to help my family to get their needs, send my children to school and rehabilitate my house."
- Mwashabani, mother and entrepreneur