World Vision Urges Peaceful Outcome In Zimbabwe

International humanitarian agency World Vision has urged a peaceful resolution of military action in Zimbabwe, saying a lack of peace and stability has “the potential to set back development by years, undermine trust between communities and harm a generation of children”.

Emmanuel Isch, World Vision Zimbabwe national director, said in a statement:

“World Vision urges a peaceful resolution of the current crisis in Zimbabwe.

“Our experience of responding to crises around the world is that these often divide communities and primarily affect children and women, causing physical and emotional suffering. 

“This harm to children and women is not only immediate but can be potentially long-lasting.

“World Vision is committed to working with the government, communities and others who have an ongoing focus on the well-being of children and the overall development of Zimbabwe.

“A lack of peace and stability has the potential to set back development by years, undermine trust between communities and harm a generation of children.”

World Vision has been present in Zimbabwe for 45 years, partners with various organisations, and receives support from a number of international and local donors in overseeing programs that focus on livelihoods and resilience; water and sanitation; health, education and child protection.

For further information or interview, contact:

Stuart Rintoul, World Vision Australia, +61 (0) 407 241 492

Picture:  Children at World Vision Zimbabwe's “Meet My Child Campaign”, aimed at improving health and hygiene, well-being and child protection.

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