World Vision suspends work in South Sudan

JUBA - An escalation in conflict has resulted in the relocation of staff and suspension of World Vision programs in Unity State, South Sudan.

This affects the distribution of non-food items and nutrition programs - both life-saving interventions which have currently ceased. The safety of staff is fundamental to World Vision and with the increased insecurity, this cannot be guaranteed. As a consequence, World Vision will be unable to continue to carry out programs until the security situation improves.

"It is hugely distressing to us that we have had to halt these programs," said Samar Abboud, a spokesperson for World Vision in Juba. "We estimate that over 10,000 children under five could be at risk from malnutrition because we cannot reach them with assistance.

"The operating environment in South Sudan is tremendously challenging and gets more difficult every day. We need to recommence these programs as soon as we can to assist some of the 300,000 people who have been left without aid now that aid agencies have had to withdraw.

"South Sudan needs peace. South Sudanese need it so that they can try to rebuild their lives and aid agencies need it so that they can help them."

World Vision is the primary partner for the distribution of shelter materials and other non-food items to displaced people in this region. Our nutrition programs target children under five and in other areas where this program has been implemented, World Vision has reduced levels of severe acute malnutrition to less than 1 percent.

For interviews with Samar Abboud, please contact Melany Markham or +211 922 027 365

For interviews with World Vision staff in Australia, please contact:

Stuart Rintoul on +61 (0) 407 241 492

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