Ugly new funding cuts dig Australia deeper into aid shame


The Government has taken a big slice from an already depleted aid budget, continuing Australia’s darkest era of aid cuts and further letting down the world’s most vulnerable.

Not content with having cut lifesaving aid in its previous four budgets, this government has singled out cuts to aid yet again, Australia’s largest humanitarian aid organisation World Vision says.

 This latest cut of $141 million means millions of children and women will miss out on lifesaving aid. This cut is in addition to the $303 million slashed from the aid budget last year. For every $1 million spent on the Federal Government’s most effective aid projects, 100,000 people are reached (Reference: 2016-17 Australian NGO Cooperation Program figures).

 “The Government claimed to be committed to aid but it has broken its promises at every opportunity – five budgets in a row,” World Vision Australia policy and advocacy director Susan Anderson said.

 “This is not just dishonest, it is immoral.

 “Every year this government manages to outdo its own record for the lowest aid budget in Australia’s history - it's showing lack of leadership and character.

 “This cut is blatant hypocrisy. The government is calling on other countries such as the United Kingdom to increase aid while it slashes an already thin aid budget.

 “These cuts keep coming, despite Australian people being the most generous in the world,” Ms Anderson said.

 With the global challenges of climate change and more people being displaced than at any time in recorded history, aid should be increased – not cut again and again and again, Ms Anderson said.

 World Vision is calling for 10 per cent growth for the next two terms so aid levels can return to where they were before the government started breaking its promises to the world’s most vulnerable people.

 For interviews with Susan Anderson, World Vision Australia policy and advocacy director, please contact: Ruth Lamperd (senior media officer) on 0417 765 947 or

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