Bring Out Your Bears for Children of South Sudan
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Australia’s largest non-government humanitarian organisation, World Vision, is urging people to donate a teddy bear, in support of children fleeing violence in South Sudan.
World Vision staff recorded up to 100 South Sudanese children a day arriving without their parents in northern Ugandan refugee camps last year.
“Most of these children witnessed their parents being killed or lost contact with their parents after fighting broke out,” World Vision chief advocate, Tim Costello, who has just returned from Uganda, said.
“Children are still fleeing across the border into Uganda because of the violence. Some walk for more than a week without food to get to Uganda.”
To raise awareness about of the plight of unaccompanied minors, hundreds of teddy bears would be placed on the stairs of St Paul’s Cathedral in Melbourne, as part of World Vision’s Campaign for Refugees.
“Each bear will represent a child who was forced to flee conflict and cross the border into Uganda without their parents,” ‘Bears on Stairs’ organiser Adam Valvasori said.
World Vision and St Paul’s have called on the public to donate a new or loved bear to show support for refugees and ask our Government to do more.
Any new teddys donated will be given to child refugees in Australia through the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.
“Every child deserves to be safe and free. My 4-year-old son and I decided to donate 11 of his teddy bears to the cause,” donor Clare Capon said.
“Not only do we want to show support for child refugees in Uganda, but the bears will be going to a loving home in Australia.”
In the lead-up to the event, people can drop off bears at St Paul’s Cathedral or at World Vision’s Burwood East office.
Speakers available for media comment on the day and in the lead-up to the event include:
- World Vision Australia Chief Advocate, Tim Costello
- Bears on Stairs organiser, Adam Valvasori
- Clare Capon and son, Jacob
Supporters will also attend on the day and be able to be filmed, photographed and interviewed.
More information is available at
What: #Bearsonstairs
When: 13 February, 12.30pm – 3.30pm (media invited to attend at any time)
Where: St Paul’s Cathedral stairs, corner Swanston and Flinders St
Who : Speakers: Tim Costello (World Vision Australia), Pastor Nyok Gor (South Sudanese Refugee), and Andreas Lowe (St Paul’s)
Media contact:
For more information, interviews prior to the event or to arrange a media opportunity, please contact Brianna Piazza – 0423 325 200
Media Releases,
South Sudan
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