A Digital Path to Hearts: World Vision Appoints New CMO
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Leading senior commercial marketer, Teresa Sperti, has been appointed Chief Marketing Officer of World Vision, to spearhead Australia’s largest international humanitarian agency’s deepening digital ties with its supporters.
The former lead of digital and CRM strategy for Officeworks in Australia, Ms Sperti, played a key role in leading digital transformation, building digital capability while enhancing personalised customer experience to drive growth.
World Vision CEO, Claire Rogers - a leader in digital transformation herself - credits Ms Sperti’s proven expertise as a digital change agent and content marketing as a potent combination to engage with the next generation of World Vision supporters in Australia.
“Teresa Sperti, has over decade’s experience in the digital space and has demonstrated a clear passion and gift in leveraging technology and digital innovation to deliver new ways to connect and engage with audiences,” Ms Rogers said.
“Under her leadership World Vision is well positioned to build on its existing strengths and to meet the future demands of a rapidly evolving and agile market place.”
Sperti said she was excited to be joining World Vision at a time of innovation under the leadership of a new CEO who is driving a strong digital agenda.
“The charity sector is facing substantial change in an extremely competitive space. Supporters are drowning in a sea of information and are constantly bombarded for donations,” Ms Sperti said.
“More than ever we need to reach supporters in a personalised way - making the World Vision experience poignant and relevant to each person’s individual life journey.
“The digital platform allows us to explore and demonstrate how their contributions are making a difference to the most vulnerable communities – enabling Australians to see the impact of their support in real-time.”
A supporter of various charities over the past decade, Sperti - mother to a 3-year-old, said being a parent has changed her perspective on life and the world we live in.
“I have always been passionate about equal opportunities for all. As a woman and now as a mother. It weighs heavier on me when I realise there are children who can’t access basic facilities and medical services that we in Australia take for granted.”
“Being on the World Vision team will put me in the driver’s seat to be a part of the change I would like to see in the world,” she said.
Teresa Sperti commenced as WVA CMO on Monday 8 May, based at World Vision’s Head Office in Burwood East, Melbourne.
Media Contact: Leah Swann 0421 857 591
Media Releases,
Claire Rogers,
World Vision
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