Help provide life-saving support for children on the brink of famine.

Over 700,000 children under five are at risk of dying.

Sudan is in the grip of its worst hunger crisis ever recorded. Families are desperate and have nothing to feed their children. While it’s yet to hit the headlines here in Australia, the situation is among the most serious we’ve seen in recent times.

Over half the population - 25 million people - are likely to face a hunger emergency in the coming months. Already, 14 areas across the country are on the verge of famine-like conditions.

Conflict broke out in Sudan in April 2023. This has increased the number of internally displaced people and refugees in neighbouring countries to more than 12 million. They need food, shelter, safety and healthcare urgently.

World Vision teams are on the ground delivering life-saving support in some of the hardest hit areas. Your donation today can help feed children at risk of starvation. You can also help provide healthcare, clean water and hygiene services, as well as child protection and mental health support.

Please act now to help stop children dying from hunger.

Donate now to help save children's lives.


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The funds you donate will support the Sudan Hunger Crisis. Should we receive more contributions than needed for an emergency appeal, we will use the excess in other emergency-related activities.
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible (depending on your personal tax position).
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