Join the hunt for ethical Easter eggs

Join the hunt for ethical Easter eggs

How ethical are your Easter eggs?

Supermarket shelves are brimming with chocolatey treats, however, the challenge as a conscientious consumer is finding a “good egg”. Good meaning “ethical”.

Ethical Chocolate

There are a variety of labels making social, ethical and environmental claims about chocolate products, there is, however, a complementary difference, between chocolate that is labelled “ethical” vs “Fairtrade”.

While both focus on making international trade a fairer process for vulnerable and poverty-stricken communities and farmers, chocolate that is labelled “ethical’ means that the brand has taken steps to improve working conditions across their supply chains on a global scale.

Buying Fairtrade Easter eggs and chocolate products helps to protect farming communities in developing countries from low international market prices for commodities such as coffee, tea, and cocoa. Fairtrade helps guarantee producers receive fair terms of trade and fair prices for their cocoa and supports local sustainability.

When chocolate lovers use their purchasing power to support Fairtrade certified chocolate, they impact the lives of not only the farmer but also their family and community.

See how farmers are benefiting

Meet Moli. A cocoa farmer on the remote island of Malo in Vanuatu. Learn about his life-changing journey through the production of quality cocoa beans.



How to spot ethical chocolate at Easter

The most credible assurance we have against the use of forced, trafficked and child labour is when companies certify that a product is fairly traded and is made under good working conditions with fair wages. Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade and UTZ Certified are the three principal certification bodies in Australia.

Look for these symbols on the chocolate you buy.

How to make a difference

Every moral purchase positively impacts and helps to transform the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

  • When buying chocolate check for ethical certification. A stamp of credibility against exploitative practices, forced child labour, and trafficking.
  • Look for Fairtrade, UTZ or Rainforest Alliance certification on the packaging.
  • Get active! Ask chocolate companies and retailers to commit to 100% ethically sourced cocoa.
  • Boycott the purchase of chocolate and hot cross buns containing palm oil.
  • Bake delicious hot cross buns, using ethically sourced ingredients. Try this!

Other ways to help

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