{{ donationAmount | formatCurrency }} can provide {{ donationAmount*donationMultiplier | formatCurrency }} worth of value^ to help feed

{{ calculatorValue }}


for one month


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Every child should have ENOUGH nourishing food to thrive.

Every 10 seconds, a child loses their life to undernutrition. Conflict, climate change, and soaring food prices mean millions of people who were once on the brink of escaping hunger are now back in its deadly grip.

Right now, when you donate to help end child hunger, the value of your donation will be multiplied 20 times* through our partnership with the World Food Programme. Together we can help save lives.  

{{ donationAmount | formatCurrency }} can provide {{ donationAmount*donationMultiplier | formatCurrency }} worth of value^ to help feed

{{ calculatorValue }}


for one month


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For the children suffering from hunger,
your gift means so much. 

A young boy wearing orange sits in the frame of his home, now ruined by flood waters.

South Sudan

Kuel, his brother, and his mother, Areech, return to their flooded home to retrieve their belongings as South Sudan's fragility worsens. Climate change and conflict have resulted in increased hunger and outbreaks of diseases as millions go without access to food and shelter. 

Somalia girl

A hungry girl wearing all grey, sitting on the floor of a make shift home with her grandmother.


As the climate crisis tightens its grip, children suffer severe hardships. Conflict over resources impacts children’s access to education and armed groups recruit child soldiers. Malnutrition has become rampant for children like Faduma, 10, pictured with her grandma.

Afghani girl and her family

Young girl with painted orange nails holding her mother’s hand.


Political conflict and drought have led to economic collapse and soaring food prices in Afghanistan. Children like Freshta, pictured here with her mother, become exposed to unimaginable exploitation. Hungry children are being married off, forced to work, or left to beg on the streets. 


Climate change has led to the most severe drought in four decades. Food is scarce, impacting the well-being of children. Millions of children are malnourished, and their growth is stunted. Sadly, they suffer from curable diseases, just like Sunday and his brother Blue. 

Australians like you made an incredible impact last year


hungry people

in 17 countries were assisted through your donations.

202.7 million

metric tonnes

of food distributed to 5,140,508 people in need to help prevent and reduce malnutrition.


children received

school meals in South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi.


Every year, World Vision partners with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to deliver life-saving food aid and other essentials to hungry families. The WFP provides the food, but World Vision must raise money to share the costs involved in distributing it and ensuring it reaches those most in need. The value of every $1 you donate to help end child hunger enables World Vision to deliver aid up to the value of $20.

The tax deduction you receive will depend on your personal circumstances. You can use our tax donation calculator to estimate the potential tax benefit based on your donation amount and income bracket. By donating before June 30 2024, your tax deduction could be up to 23% greater*
*Depending on your tax bracket and circumstances.

The World Food Programme (WFP) is the world’s largest humanitarian agency dedicated to fighting global hunger. For more than 30 years, World Vision and the WFP have partnered around a shared goal of fighting child hunger around the world. Together, we provide you with an unrivalled operational network to reach the world’s most vulnerable children with food assistance and support. 

Each year your donation value can be multiplied by a different amount and the number of people it can help can change. This is impacted by factors such as inflation affecting costs globally – including the cost of food, transport and labour. Rest assured however, that through the World Vision network and our partnership with the World Food Programme, your donation will be maximised in the best way possible despite the current economic conditions.

To ensure that each designated country receives the level of assistance it needs, funds donated to the End Child Hunger Appeal are combined and distributed in line with assessments undertaken by World Vision and the World Food Programme to determine those most in need of food. In 2024, your donation will help fight hunger in 21 countries including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Sudan, Uganda, Moldova, Ukraine and Zimbabwe. It would not be practical to allow every supporter to elect which of these countries they would like their contribution directed to and would likely lead to surplus funds in some areas and shortfalls in others.

Your donation will be used to support food assistance and relief programs within World Vision’s partnership with the UN World Food Programme. Should funds raised exceed the amount required, World Vision will use the excess funds in other work to help communities respond to the long-term effects of food insecurity.

^ Your donation will be used to support food assistance and relief programs within
World Vision’s partnership with the UN’s World Food Programme.

Maximise your donation

World Vision has been the World Food Programme’s leading non-government organisation partner for nearly 30 years. Through this unique partnership, the value of your donation multiplies when combined with contributions from the World Food Programme, covering food, training and infrastructure