Handwashing stations


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Handwashing stations

A handwashing station eGift card means the gift of health. Clean water and handwashing stations in schools help keep children healthy, prevent the spread of disease, improve school attendance and nurture lifelong hygiene habits. Handwashing stations:

  • Teach healthy hygiene habits helps prevent diseases such as cholera, Ebola, diarrhoea and respiratory infections.
  • Provide access to clean water and handwashing stations acts as an educational support, limiting sick days and keeping children in school longer.
  • Allow schools to promote improved sanitation and hygiene through teaching children in an engaging way that gives long-term benefits to the whole school and community.
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What you're supporting

These gifts help families access clean water and improved sanitation.

Delivery information

Emailed card: Just enter your recipient's name and email, and we'll email your gift to them for you.

Print your own card: Download a printable PDF you can easily fold into a card.

No card needed: Just want to buy a gift? That's fine too. We will email you a receipt right away.

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