Global Words is a website containing fifteen units of work that integrate the teaching and learning of English and global citizenship education. The units were produced by World Vision Australia and the Primary English Teaching Association of Australia (PETAA), and supported by DFAT. The resources are aligned with the Australian Curriculum for English for Years 3-8.


Years 3 and 4 Resources:

Sustainability: Taking care of Earth together

Refugees and migration: Words to unite us

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: Neighbours

Indigenous peoples: Stories to unite us

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: We are similar but different

Years 5 and 6 Resources:

Sustainability: Global footprints

Refugees and migration: Global people

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: Neighbours PNG

Indigenous peoples: People, place, language and song

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: A diverse and connected world

Years 7 and 8 Resources:

Sustainability: Changing minds, changing behaviour

Refugees and migration: Seeking refuge - the journey

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: Helping hands

Indigenous peoples: Ways of being

Neighbours, Asia/Pacific: Water in the world

The resources include a suggested sequence of teaching, student handouts, recommended texts, additional supporting materials, and curriculum links. Materials are available to view online or can be downloaded and printed.