How to include a bequest in a Will

How to include a bequest in a Will

Choose how to donate your gift

Whole or part of your estate

You can leave your entire estate or any part of your estate to World Vision Australia.

Percentage of your estate

Not sure how much will be in your estate? You can leave us your entire estate or any percentage of your estate you choose. This means that no matter the value of your estate, the percentage you intend for World Vision Australia will remain the same.

Specific gift

A specific gift is a specified sum of money, or particular item(s) of property (examples can include a residential house, commercial real estate, shares, artwork or jewellery).

Residuary gift

A residuary gift is one where you give a portion of all of that is remaining in your estate – after specific gifts and debts are fulfilled. After you have taken care of loved ones and dependants, you can leave us whole or part of what remains in your estate.

Directing your bequest


Whilst you are free to direct a bequest in a Will towards a particular purpose, we suggest you do not limit your description because we may not be able to fulfill your request if it is too specific.


In order for World Vision Australia to have the flexibility to apply your gift to create long-lasting change for the most vulnerable children of the future, our preference is for your gift to be directed to the “general purposes of World Vision Australia


Suggested legal wording for your Will

Wills can be complex and there are many ways of including a bequest in a Will. We cannot provide you with specific legal advice, so please ensure you obtain your own independent legal advice on the most appropriate wording. However, here are some examples of wording you may consider with your legal advisor when you are preparing or updating your Will.

Alternatively, you can use an online option. We’ve partnered with Gathered Here, a free and easy step-by-step online Will writing service. It takes less than 10 minutes. 

“I give, free of all duties or taxes, [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue] of my estate to World Vision Australia (ABN 28 004 778 081) for its general purposes.”
“I give, free of all duties or taxes, [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue] of my estate, to World Vision Australia  (ABN 28 004 778 081) to be applied towards programs of World Vision Australia which are funded through its child sponsorship or equivalent or successor program.” 

“I give, free of all duties and taxes, [the sum of $ … or … % or the rest and residue] of my estate, to World Vision Australia  (ABN 28 004 778 081) to be applied for the maintenance of the sponsorship of my sponsored child/children at the time of my death until, in the case of each such sponsored child, the earlier of the date the child attains the age of 18 years or ceases to be part of World Vision Australia’s child sponsorship program. If I do not have any sponsored child at the time of my death or there is a balance remaining after maintenance of any sponsorship, as described above, my gift shall be applied for the general purposes of World Vision Australia.” 
“I give the rest and residue of my estate, free of all duties and taxes, to World Vision Australia (ABN 28 004 778 081) and to [insert name(s) of other residual beneficiaries] in equal shares for their general purposes.”

A Will gives you the power to choose how your assets can benefit your loved ones and impact vulnerable children around the world. You can find out more in our complimentary bequest brochure. Preparing your Will needn’t be complex, nor expensive, but we recommend you seek the advice of a legal advisor to ensure your Will is valid, and clearly set out the way you intend your estate to be distributed.